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Hundreds if not thousands of books have been published in the last 50 years about the Israeli-Arab conflict. All claim to offer accurate information when in fact many are of dubious integrity, poor scholarship, or so one-sided in favor of the Palestinians as to be useless. MidEast Books offers a selection of books that are reliable, more balanced and of direct relevance to any serious student of the Middle East conflict.

This site is divided into several sections covering topics that are closely related to the Middle East conflict, such as Holocaust, Islam, Terrorism and Genocide, they are all listed below. Books can also be located by authors' Names or by Titles. In addition, several pages list books in French, German, Italian and Spanish, either translations of books in English, or originals in these languages that do not exist in English.

This site makes extensive use of pop-up windows. If you wish to access all its information easily, make sure that pop-ups are allowed in your browser preferences. Each book cover and flag leads to a corresponding Amazon page or other publisher when not available on Amazon.


The Israelis

Its people and its achievements.


A History of the Middle Easr

Distant and recent, about Israel and about the Middle East.


The Return of Anti-Semitism

Still alive and well in too many parts of the world.


Nazi Germany and the Jews

A brief selection of some of the most important books on the subject.


Islamic Imperialism

To help non-Muslims understand the true nature of Islam.


Muhammad's Monsters

A phenomenon closely tied in its current incarnation to radical Islam.


Origins of the Rwandan Genocide

A reminder that after the "never-again" Holocaust, the world is still witnessing other genocides.


The Other War

Books on related subjects that don't fit directly in the categories above.

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